CyberInstaller Studio - 26. Adding a Link

Clicking on the "Add" step 13 - "Connections" opens a window through which you can set the parameters of the shortcut you want to create with the distribution of the current package.

It's idea to create the links only for programs (ie executable files) distributed with your software (see step 5 "Application Data") and documentation (text file, html, hlp, chm, etc.).. These links can be placed in a folder in the Start Menu, or in the Start Menu Programs group. Instead you should place on the desktop connection only to the main program (often the desktop shortcuts are not welcome to the user). It's possible also insert a link to the main program in the Startup group in the Start Menu, so that when you start your system (or rather, the connection to the system user that performed the installation) to start the program that tip link.


 CyberInstaller Studio - 26.1. Using the window "Add link"


Descriptive name link [field] - Es.: "CyberInstaller Studio 2008" - Example: "CyberInstaller Studio 2008"

Description of the link. It's the text that will appear next to the icon associated, so it will be readable by the user and will be crucial for identifying the file pointed to. Using the "Package" field is automatically filled.


Focused on the destination file system [field] - Example: "| AppPath|\Studio\CyberInstallerStudio.exe"

Full path file to which to point the link (expressed using patterns of system, since it refers to the target system). The link will have the icon of the file pointed to. Using the "Package" field is automatically filled.

Package ... [button] [Recommended]

Open the dialog "Browse Package", which allows you to select a file only among those in the current package and only type suitable to the operation in progress (all *.*), therefore no possibility of error. It's Use this button to avoid making a typo in danger, in this way, to refer to a file that would be not existent.


Browse ... [button]

Opens the Open dialog box/Select Files by which to select the file to which to point the link between the files of your system. It is not advisable to use this button, because the file you select should be in the current package (ie the target system). Instead, use the button "package ...".


Special Folders ... [button]

Opens the window "special folder system" to indicate an easy pattern to use as a path. This button should be used in combination with the button "Browse ..." because first you select a file from your current system, then shows the route to be edited with the mouse, then select this button to indicate the route to the destination system. This procedure is not recommended, instead use the button "package ...", which allows to perform the same task more easily.


Command Line [field] [opzionale] [optional] - Example: "/silent"

Any parameters that you want to launch the file pointed to. The parameters are dependent from the file pointed to.



 CyberInstaller Studio - 26.2. Link target


Folder in which to create the link [field] - Example: "| UserMenuFolder |"

Destination folder where you want that we create the link. It's Highly recommended for the path using the patterns of the system, since it refers to a folder on the target system. The default is: "|$UserMenuFolder$|" (the only folder that the user may not be required to create the shortcut).

Note: It's possible create shortcuts in any folder on the target system, but it is highly recommended to use as target only the Start Menu folder or the desktop of the current user. To do this you must use patterns, "|$UserMenuFolder$|" (the current user's Start menu), "|$AutoExecPath$|" (Startup folder of the current user's Start menu) or "|$DesktopPath$| (current user's desktop). In any folder, except the "|$UserMenuFolder$|", the user should be required to create the link.  


Special Folders ... [button]

Opens the window "special folder system" to indicate an easy pattern to use as the destination folder. It's not recommended patterns indicate different from "|$UserMenuFolder$|" (the current user's Start Menu), "|$AutoExecPath$|" (Startup folder of the current user's Start Menu) or "|$DesktopPath$ | "(current user's desktop).


Most common destinations [list]

Allows you to choose between destinations (folders) is most common in which to create the shortcut: "|$UserMenuFolder$|" (the current user's Start Menu), "|$AutoExecPath$|" (Startup folder of the user's Start Menu current) or "|$DesktopPath$|" (current user's desktop). Is the recommended first.



 CyberInstaller Studio - 26.3. Confirm Create Link


Yes, the user can choose [option]

If selected, the user will be prompted for confirmation before creating the link.

No, it will be created in any case [option]

If selected, the link will be created without any user intervention.

Note: The confirmation is highly recommended for any links, especially those on the Desktop or Startup, as they can often annoy the user. The only case in which the confirmation can be omitted, and when you create the link |$UserMenuFolder$|, ie the group folder of the Start Menu by default the current user.
According to the selected destination folder will be proposed as the default for confirming the recommended choice ( "No" to |$UserMenuFolder$| "Yes" to all other destinations).


 CyberInstaller Studio - 26.4. Removing application


Usually, in each installation package worthy of respect, is laid alongside the other links (the one that launches the main executable, the manual online, etc..), The link that initiates the removal of the software installed.
Since CyberInstaller contains a removal procedure, but it must be started with special command line parameters in order to remove the software using the same parameters of the installation package, CyberInstaller Studio provides a special command, included in the section of links, will automatically create the appropriate link (with all the necessary parameters) to launch the removal of the package via CyberInstaller, automatically creating the appropriate command line.

The command is "|%CreateRemovalLink%|". To enter, simply click on the checkbox for "create shortcut to launch the removal of the package" at the bottom of this window as shown at right. Una volta inserito il segno di spunta tutti gli altri campi/pulsanti della finestra saranno disabilitati, poiché per il collegamento alla rimozione non è necessario inserire alcun altro parametro. Once inserted, the check mark all other fields/buttons in the window will be disabled, because for the link to the removal is not necessary to include any other parameter.

By checking this box the command "|%CreateRemovalLink%|" will be entered automatically into the list of links to be created (step 13), to testify that during the installation will also create a link to remove application (besides, of course, to all other links in the list).



 CyberInstaller Studio - 26.5. Examples

Example 1: You want to allow the user to start the main executable of the software (CyberInstaller Studio.exe, located in the sub-folder "CyberInstaller Studio" folder destination) from a shortcut in your Start Menu (in the group folder he has chosen during installation):

Descriptive link name = "CyberInstaller Studio"

Focused on the target system file = "|$AppPath$|\Studio\CyberInstallerStudio.exe"

Command Line = [blank]

Folder in which to create the shortcut on the destination system = "|$UserMenuFolder$|"

Confirm: No, it will be created in any case

Create shortcut to launch the removal of the package = No

Example 2: You want to allow the user to start the executable directly from your desktop before also:

Descriptive link name = "CyberInstaller Studio"

Focused on the target system file = "|$AppPath$|\Studio\CyberInstallerStudio.exe"

Command Line = [blank]

Folder in which to create the shortcut on the destination system = "|$DesktopPath$|"

Create shortcut to launch the removal of the package = No

Example 3: you want to allow the user to start the manual (Manuale.htm, located in the sub-folder "File Documents" folder destination) from a shortcut in your Start Menu, located in a subfolder of "Documentation" folder of group he had chosen during the installation:

Descriptive link name = "User Manual"

Focused on the target system file = "|$AppPath$|\Documentation\Manuale.htm"

Command Line = [blank]

Folder in which to create the shortcut on the destination system = "|$UserMenuFolder$|\Documentation"

Confirm: No, it will be created in any case

Create shortcut to launch the removal of the package = No

CyberInstaller Studio automatically think to add the folder "|$UserMenuFolder$|\Documentation" between the folders to be created (step 5).

Example 4: you want the utility Diagnostics ("Diagnose.exe", located in the sub-folder "Tools" folder destination) is started at every system startup:

Descriptive link name = "Diagnostics"

Focused on the target system file = "|$AppPath$|\Tools\Diagnose.exe"

Command Line = [blank]

Folder in which to create the shortcut on the destination system = "|$AutoExecPath$|"

Confirm: Yes, the user can choose

Create shortcut to launch the removal of the package = No

Example 5: you want the link to remove the software you are deploying:

Descriptive link name = [blank]

Focused on the target system files = [blank]

Command Line = [blank]

Folder in which to create the shortcut on the destination system = [blank]

Create shortcut to launch the removal of the package = Yes



 See also ...


 Step 5: Folders

 Step 4: Data

 Step 13: Links

 Patterns system

 Browse dialog box package

 Dialog Open/Save File

 Special Folders dialog system
 CyberInstaller - Script Installation