Studio - 17. Patterns system paths
Clicking on the "Special Folders" present in CyberInstaller Studio, you see the window "system special folders". This window will allow you to select a pattern for the route through which it is possible to state unequivocally to CyberInstaller a precise destination folder on your system.
Indeed the same folder (ie one in which Windows, the Windows System folder, the folder where the user installs the program, or folder as the destination chosen by the user to install software that you are deploying) may have different names from system to system, according to the tastes of the user or operating system (version of Windows) in use.
the Windows folder, can have
the path "C:\Windows", or "D:\WINNT".
the system folder,
may have the path "C:\Windows\System", or "E:\WINNT\System32"
the folder where you
install the programs, may have the path "C:\Program Files" or
"F:\Program Files"
The use of patterns of system is the only way to be
sure to reference that specific folder, no possibility of
misunderstandings on the user (ie the system where it is being
distributed software installed).
Enter an absolute
path in a field that refers to the system user (identified by the text
entered in dark red)
can definitely affect the installation of the package, since the path
entered may not exist. Instead, patterns
of system, you will be sure CyberInstaller
always identify the exact folder you want. CyberInstaller
Studio will inform a notice if you
are inserting an absolute path instead of a pattern in the areas that
need it.
It's possible enter
the pattern manually (if you remember), or use the window system
special folders "to select and make sure you are putting it
automatically, without possibility of error.
All patterns are enclosed by
the characters "|$" e "$|", es.: |$AppPath$|.
CyberInstaller Studio - 17.1. List
of patterns used by CyberInstaller Suite:
is the complete list of all the patterns used by CyberInstaller and CyberInstaller
They are divided into General (the most
important system folders), relating
to the selected user at installation (therefore depend on the
user's choice), relative to the
current user (again, any user choice has been made ), for all users (again, any
user choice is made). The last two types are not recommended because,
although they may come in handy on occasion override the choice made at
General (recommended):
|$AppPath$| |
target application to be installed (confirmed or selected by the user) |
|$AppsToRunPath$| | folder containing applications to run before/after installation |
|$CommonPath$| | Common Files folder (usually C:\Program Files\Common Files or Common Files) |
|$FontsPath$| | folder fonts |
|$ProgramsPath$| | Programs folder (usually C:\Program Files or C:\ Program Files) |
|$SystemPath$| | System (usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM or C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32) |
|$WinPath$| | Windows (usually C: \ WINDOWS or C: \ WINNT) |
|$UserPatternPath_001$| | assigned extra (confirmed or selected by the user) |
Related to the selected user at installation (recommended):
|$AppDataPath$| |
Application Data |
|$AutoExecPath$| | Startup group in the Start Menu |
|$DesktopPath$| | Desktop |
|$DocumentsPath$| | Documents |
|$ModelsPath$| | Document
Template |
|$StartMenuPath$| | Start
menu |
|$StartProgPath$| | Group
Programs in the Start Menu |
|$UserMenuFolder$| | Group in the
Start Menu folder selected by the user
User terms (whatever the user selected at installation) (not recommended):
|$CU_AppDataPath$| |
Application Data |
|$ CU_AutoExecPath$| | Startup group in the Start Menu |
|$ CU_CookiesPath$| | Cookies |
|$CU_DesktopPath$| | Desktop |
|$CU_DocumentsPath$| | Documents
|$CU_FavoritesPath$| | Favorites
|$CU_ModelsPath$| | Document
Template |
|$CU_PrintersPath$| | Print resources |
|$CU_SendToPath$| | Sends
|$CU_StartMenuPath$| | Start
Menu |
|$CU_StartProgPath$| | Group
in the Start Menu Programs |
|$CU_UserMenuFolder$| | Group folder in the Start menu selected by the user |
|$CU_WebCachePath$| | Internet cache |
All users (whatever the user selected at installation) (not recommended):
|$All_AppDataPath$| |
Application Data |
|$All_ AutoExecPath$| | Startup group in the Start Menu |
|$All_ DesktopPath$| | Desktop |
|$All_ DocumentsPath$| | Documents |
|$All_ ModelsPath$| | Document
Template |
|$All_ StartMenuPath$| | start
menu |
|$All_ StartProgPath$| | Group
Programs in the Start Menu |
|$All_ UserMenuFolder$| | group in the
Start Menu folder selected by the user
Studio - 17.2. Operation
of the window "system special folders"
This window shows a list divided into two columns:
Pattern: the pattern of the
system path that appears to indicate the folder.
significance of the pattern, or the folder specified by it.
It's possible see the pattern of the desired type acting on the 4 options that act as filters: all the routes, the general and the selected user, current user, all users.
After selecting the desired filter the list will display only the appropriate patterns. To select a pattern, just double-click on the corresponding item in the list, or select it then click on "OK" button.
Clicking on "Cancel" button closes the window without selecting any pattern. The same effect you achieve it by pressing ESC.
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