Suite 2024 v1.1
The ideal software
solution to
create powerful and reliable installation packages in the easiest and
quickest way. Now supports Windows 11.
is a packetization and installation software oriented to any kind of
developer. Thus, it can be applied to any language or development
environment (.Net, C++,
C#, Delphi, Java, PHP, Visual Basic, .Net, etc.) and can be used either
by the occasional programmer (free version) or by the professional
developer (registered version).
The "Free"
version is
completely free of
charge and allows you to distribute your own
software in an easy and cheap way, but at a cost of some limitation. Personal, Professional
and Enterprise licenses
make possible to use the software at the maximum of its
capabilities, the latter two allowing you to distribute any commercial
software with no limitation at all.
With CyberInstaller
Suite you can now distribute
your software in a quicker and more effective way.
Modules embedded in the last available version are:
CyberInstaller is
the core of CyberInstaller
Suite. It is, in fact, the installer that
your end users will see and it will make your application to work
properly on any PC with any
Microsoft operating system (Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP,
Server, Vista, Seven, Server 2008/R2), both 32 and 64 bit.
Studio is
the software that will make it possible the creation
of the installation packages, and
allows, through a rich graphical user interface,
to prepare the necessary folders structure and the creation of
installation script relying on your settings. All that in a completely
automatic and
assisted way. Furthermore CyberInstaller
gives you the possibility to
transform the created package in a compressed auto-extracting
executable file. This guarantees the distribution of
your application through only one file and the end
user will not have to
do anything else other than run such file to launch the package
decompression and to initialize its setup, everything in a
completely transparent way.
CyberInstaller Extractor
is the module needed to decompress the auto-extracting
executable and, after that, to run the created installation package.
CyberUpdater is
the module for auto-searching and auto-install the
on-line updates for all the CyberInstaller
Suite modules or for the distributed applications. It can be run through a special button in the
toolbar, or, by default, it runs silently at
every CyberInstaller
startup (you can disable this at every moment), revealing itself just when
the installation of a module is required.
(CyberInstaller Portable Executable Wrapper) is the module to
encapsulate the Setup.exe file, necessary for a perfect interface
between the installer and your package.
is the module for the automatic download, during an installation, of the
software prerequirements not embedded in the package, necessary for a
succesfull installation.
Main features
Suite relies
its strength on some points
that differentiate it from
all the other similar software on the market,
making it
really the simplest, most versatile, cheapest and most
installer available:
installation/removal engine,
compact, fast and reliable: the setup engine (CyberInstaller) allows
to distribute your packages on any version of Windows, also without
Windows Installer installed (and
therefore without having to force the end user to a possible updating
of this component). Besides, thanks to its small size, it
allows you to create extremely compact installation
packages and therefore fit them for the internet distribution.
- detailed report of
any change effected to the system destination during the installation
and the
removal: every action done by the installation/removal engine carefully
comes recorded to video in real time
(you can disable this setting) and in a text file, so that it will be
easy be go back to all the changes brought to the system by the any
package installation/removal.
- roll-back: possibility
to bring the system back to the conditions before the
installation in a completely transparent and quick
way: it
allows, in case
of problems, to proceed with the restoring of the system to its
preceding conditions (surely working). This cannot be done with a
simple removal, but it is something more, it is the roll-back
the system.
If enabled during the creation of the installation package, it will
automatically used during the setup, so that all the
changes effected to the system will be recorded and a backup copy of
any replaced file will be accomplished. This way, during the removal,
it will be possible for the installation engine
(therefore in a completely transparent way) to restore the system in
the exact condition preceding the
setup. All this automatically and
without the user intervent.
- wizard for
the creation of installation packages, endowed with a simple,
intuitive, and functional graphic user interface, that will make
possible to create in just a few minutes a fully
functional installation package, reducing at the lowest rate
possibility to make mistakes. It has a Find Dependencies
tool, able to manage Microsoft Visual Basic, Borland Delphi and .Net
(any language) projects. Furthermore it gives you the possibility to
compress the created package in an unique auto-extracting file.
- Edition in
license is completely free
of charge and it will allow to create freeware package
without any limitations (only the advanced features will be disabled).
- multilanguage support: Italian
and English included, but it will be possible to use the Translator
intergrated tool to create definition language file in any language.
Durint the package creation, Studio will do the job of including just
the desired languages for you and, if
more languages are found, at the beginning of the installation the user
will be asked for the installation language.
- Find Dependencies tool,
completely automatic: it finds all dependencies of a VB, Delphi, .Net
(any language) project, or of any executable, and adds the run-time
required files. It correctly recognize DAO, ADO, CrystalReports,
ActiveReports, the .Net framework, third parties OCX, system files,
used databases, resource files, etc..
- support to
the Microsoft .NET
technology, from version 1.x and 2.0, to the newest 3.0 and 3.5: CyberInstaller
Suite is ready to be used with projects
created with any .Net language, correctly adding the right framework
version and any other required item to make
software written using this technology work properly.
- creation
and serial code management: Studio
allows you to create a virtually infinite number of serials, everyone
different from each other, relying on an unique generating key of your
choice or randomly created. This will guarantee the possibility to mark
your own installation packages, even each copy of them or for every
type of user, allowing you to keep track of your users installation.
- compatibility with Micosotft Windows 7, Vista, Server 2008 and
XP: no issues with the most recent Microsoft
operating systems. Future versions will be supported as soon as
possible, with the release of quick updates, like for the now old
Windows 9x versions (although unsupported by Microsoft itself).
- support to Microsoft
Windows Installer (.msi)
packages and Merge
Modules (.msm): CyberInstaller
gives you full support to Windows Installer, guaranteeing full
compatibility with .msi packages and merge modules (with automatic
conversion, if necessary). This is to guarantee the most easy
distribution for those components usually not very trouble-free and
already packaged by the manufacturer with Windows Installer, as the
most recent Microsoft technology.
- components installation in side-by-side
mode: possibility to install some criticals components with this
special installation mode, allowed by Microsoft starting from Win98SE.
This way even the most hard-to-install components can be distributed in
the most simple way in the same folder where the executable is placed,
avoiding lots of troubles that can make installations really annoying
(registration of more versions of the same component/library,
overwriting of old versions, etc.).
- assisted font
installation: installing particoular fonts (characters-set) on the
destintation system has never been easier! CyberInstaller
allows you to add any font in an automatic and fully assisted way, in
the easier way. Furhtermore, installing fonts on the destination system
now does not need any system reboot.
- selectable output
media between a compressed autoextracting executable
(which you can give a custom icon), a package ready to be burnt on
removeable disk (CD/DVD, with automatic autorun
support and custom icon) or a web page ready to be uploaded on your web
site, with a link that will allow users to download the package
- possibility
to insert software
prerequirements needed for the application to work
Such prerequirements must be already existant or not existant (your
choice) in destination system and they will not be installed if not
specified. Relying upon this they can be embedded into the installation
package or downloaded when needed.
- easy on-line updates to update the installed
applications distributed with a package: your final users will be able to
download and install them in a click and the updater can run
- digital signatures for
the executable files included in the package and for the package
itself, without the original files being modified in any way.
And, last but not least, the possibility to contact and interact
directly with the author
for a continuous improvement and development of new features.
Because remember: your feedback is vital to make our software grow up
following your needs.

DeltaForth File
Builder, open-source project, hosted by CodePlex, uses CyberInstaller.
Builder, tool by Alessandro Del
Sole (never realized before in
Italy and second in the world) to create .vsi packages
for Microsoft Visual Studio, uses CyberInstaller.