Studio - 40. New
Clicking on the menu File/New/"New Project" will
open the window "New
Project", which will create a new project from one of the
preset templates or by using a simple wizard (make-up guide). The models allow to
minimize the time of creating the package, making it possible to obtain
the installation package you want in the shortest time possible.
This tool is also activated
at any time by simply pressing keys <Ctrl
+ N>.
Studio - 40.1. Use
The window "New Project" is
presented as a list of available models from which to begin to create
the package that comes closest to your needs. The selected template
will change some configuration parameters pacchetto.Per use a model
just double click on it or, alternatively, select it and click Ok.
The models available are:
New package wizard (wizard) that will require the key elements for the creation of a basic package, guiding you step by step and reducing the risk of error. It's the model recommended for most cases.
Package update: Wizard (Wizard) to be used if the package is an "update" software already installed and does not represent a complete installation.
Visual Basic: requires the inclusion of a source project Microsoft Visual Basic (.VBP) which will extract the dependencies and automatically incorporated into the package.
Delphi project: it requires the inclusion of a source project Borland/CodeGear Delphi (.DPR) which will extract the dependencies and automatically incorporated into the package.
Package to run it requires the inclusion of a project executable (.exe) which will be extracted dependencies (if found) and automatically included in the package.
Install read-only: you will create an empty project with the "install read-only" so that the user can not change the setup parameters (but only accept it).
Installing certain: you will create an empty project with the "minimal installation" and "install read-only" so that the installation is usable even inexperienced user who does not want/need to change anything.
Silent Installation: will create an empty project with the "silent installation", so you may not receive anything.
Studio - 40.2 Viewing Window
Checking the checkbox "Show this dialog next time" window "New Project" will be displayed at every boot. Removing the check mark, however, CyberInstaller Studio will be launched directly with an empty project.
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